Learning & Thinking 0-3...
Below are our articles on the subject of Learning & Thinking 0-3. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Babies and Attention
A look at the importance of lavishing babies with plenty of attention, stressing the benefits to their social and cognitive development....

Babies as Active Learners
A look at the learning that babies do in their everyday lives, utilizing their five senses to learn about the world around them....

Babies' Awareness of Other People
Ever wondered what level of awareness your baby has of other people? Find out what he is typically aware of....

Babies' Short and Long-Term Memory
A look at the short and long term memory capacities of babies. Includes results from a research study indicating that babies can retain and recall information....

Educational Toys for Babies
A look at educational toys for babies - their benefits and availability, as well as ideas for parents on how to make everyday experiences educational for their babies....

Educational Videos and Software
A look at the vast variety of educational videos and software available for kids. Includes cautions as to moderation, especially when using videos for very young…...

Learning Disabilities in Children
A look at learning disabilities in children, including signs for parents look for, the importance of early intervention and treatment, and ideas for helping kids build…...

Music and Cognitive Development
A look at various studies indicating a connection between musical instruction and improved cognitive abilities in children....

Object Permanence and Infants
A look at the concept of object permanence, a term coined by Jean Piaget, regarding a baby's ability to understand that things and people exist, even when they cannot…...

Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development
An overview of Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, including a look at each of the four stages....

The Young Child's Theory of Mind
A look at the young child's theory of mind, including a breakdown by age as to what they are likely to believe and perceive....

What do Babies' Understand?
A look at the cognitive development of babies over their first year, including details about the things that they learn and understand along the way....

Wooden Toys and Child Development
As your child begins to grow, you want to stimulate them and help them develop both physically and mentally. There are a great range of wooden toys that are designed…...