Speech & Language 0-3...
Below are our articles on the subject of Speech & Language 0-3. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Baby Talk
A look at baby talk and the typical advancements that babies make as they learn to communicate verbally. Includes tips for parents as they help their babies to talk....

Bringing Up a Bi-lingual Child
Advice, inspiration and tips for families who are bringing up a bi-lingual child...

Can Baby Sign Language Delay Speech Development?
Find out whether encouraging communication through baby sign language could delay the development of speech in a child....

Dunstan Baby Language
Dunstan Baby Language divides the sound reflexes of infants into five categories, each with their own message for parents. This article briefly discusses the Dunstan…...

Language Development Concerns for Kids
A look at signals that may indicate a cause for concern in children's language development. Stresses the importance of early intervention and treatment....

Language Development in the First Year
A look at the language development that occurs between birth and the first birthday....

Language Development in the Second Year
An overview of language development in children from 12 to 24 months old. Includes tips for parents on encouraging continued advancements in speech and vocabulary....

Language Development in the Third Year
An overview of the language development of children between their second and third birthdays. Includes guidelines for seeking the aid of a speech-language pathologist…...

Language Development Stages in Young Children
A look at the stages of language development in young children, birth through age five. Includes tips for parents on encouraging healthy verbal development....

Sign Language for Babies
A look at the benefits of sign language for babies, from easing frustration to enhancing language development....

The Makaton System of Sign Language
Exploring the Makaton system of communication, looking at what it is, how it can be used and who can benefit from learning it....