Social & Emotional 0-3...
Below are our articles on the subject of Social & Emotional 0-3. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Babies' and Their Independence
A look at the ongoing process that babies go through as they begin to explore their growing independence. Offers viewpoints from Mahler, Erikson, and Vygotsky....

General Stages of Social Development
A look at social development, staring with infants and following through to the teen years and beyond....

Parental Influences on Babies' Development
A look at developmental milestones and the ways in which parents influence their baby's development....

Personality Development in Babies
An overview of personality development in babies, including a look at possible factors that influence a child's emerging personality....

Socialisation for Babies
A look at the socialisation process for babies, including steps that parents can take to help their babies grow into self confident children and adults....

Understanding Babies' Emotions
A look at understanding the emotions displayed by babies, including information about Dunstans Baby Language, Silvan Tomkins Effect Theory, and general age guidelines…...