Behaviour & Discipline...
Below are our articles on the subject of Behaviour & Discipline. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

B.F. Skinner's Behavioural Theory
A look at B.F. Skinner's behavioural theory, operant conditioning, and how it relates to guiding the behaviour of children through the use of positive and negative…...

Behavioural Disorders in Children
Many children in the United Kingdom suffer from a behavioural disorder. This article offers basic information on common behavioural disorders including Oppositional…...

Child Temper Tantrums
Temper tantrums occur with almost every child. This article offers basic information on why temper tantrums occur, how parents can avoid them and how parents can cope…...

Chores for Children
Chores for children can be a source of frustration in many households. This article offers parents basic information on assigning age appropriate chores, motivating…...

Common Behavioural Problems in Children
Common behavioural problems in children include engaging in aggressive actions, swearing and turning to deceptive behaviour. This article offers parents basic…...

Discipline Outside The Home
No child will always behave appropriately outside of the home, and often disciplining a child will become necessary. This article offers parents basic advice on…...

Disciplining Children
Disciplining children teaches them how to behave appropriately. This article offers parents basic information about disciplining children including giving children…...

Disciplining Young Children
Disciplining young children is a way of teaching them. This article offers parents basic advice on successfully disciplining young children....

Reinforcing Good Behaviour
Reinforcing good behaviour with words or rewards is an excellent way to remind children of the decisions that their parents consider worthy and important. Here is some…...

Rewarding Good Behaviour
Rewarding good behaviour is a method of helping children to select good behaviours on their own. This article offers parents basic answers to frequently asked…...

The Effects of Punishment on Children
Punishment can be anything that reduces the frequency of unwanted behaviours. This article discusses the differences between punishment and discipline, and offers…...

'The Naughty Step' as a Discipline Technique
Not every parent uses the Naughty Step, but it is a successful discipline technique for many. This article offers parents basic advice on using and adapting the…...

The 'Terrible Twos'
The ‘terrible twos’ can be a trying time for any parent. This article offers basic information on the ‘terrible twos’ and child development, as well as advice on how…...

'Time Out' as a Discipline Technique
Time Out is a popular discipline technique with modern parents. This article offers answers to parents’ frequently asked questions about Time Out....