Physical Development 3+...
Below are our articles on the subject of Physical Development 3+. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can Super Foods Help Children's Development?
Useful facts on some superfoods you'll easily find in your fridge - plus simple kid-friendly ways to serve them up....

Children and Physical Growth
“Physical growth” is a catch-all phrase that includes many aspects such as height, gross motor skills, fine motors skills, coordination and balance. This article…...

Children and Their Height
A child’s height is determined by multiple factors. This article offers parents basic information on how genetics, sex, nutrition, exercise and medical conditions…...

Children and Their Weight
A healthy weight will be different for each child. This article offers parents basic information on tracking and maintaining a healthy weight for their child....

Handedness in Children
A look at handedness in children, including the theories about why children prefer one hand over the other, the age progression of handedness, and a recommendation for…...

How Active Should My Child Be?
There are plenty of ways in which children can get their daily quota of activity, and gain more on top. But how active should your preschool child be and what type of…...

Sex Differences in Physical Development
Sex differences in child development do exist in theory, though parents may never experience sex stereotypes with their own children. This article offers basic…...

Small Muscle Control
Small muscle control usually refers to the control of the muscles in the hands and fingers. This article offers some basic answers to frequently asked questions about…...

What Signs Could Indicate a Physical Development Problem?
Help, advice and information about possible signs that could act as an early indicator of physical development problems....